
Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.

text / document classification with elastic search

Text classification with Elasticsearch : NO AI needed

Elasticsearch is very powerful for non-structured text classification. In a recent use case for an important international Consulting Company, we had to exploit non-structured documents to allow our client to exploit his internal data, be able to analyse and find similar content, based on a tag classification.  That’s typically a case where Elasticsearch can look magic. In just a few days, based on the core functionality of Elasticsearch and Kibana, we were able to auto-classify all the documents of the…

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Generate dynamics fields

Runtime fields in Elasticsearch and Kibana – tests and explanation

In the latest releases of Elasticsearch and Kibana, a lot has been done to integrate runtime fields smoothly and unleash all it’s power naturally.  In a few clicks, you can create virtual values for formatting or calculating values without reindexing the whole index.  The runtime field can now be called in total transparency like any other elasticsearch _source field.  But it’s still a virtual field, calculated on the fly at query time, just like scripted fields.  So, it’s a very…

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